This product is used to shield the environment from electromagnetic waves pollution and to cover the walls. This wallpaper has some nice designs and can create a beautiful view in addition to prevent penetration of electromagnetic waves to the environment.
Technical and Specific Features:
- Reducing electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of 30MH to 30GH with a 54db shielding efficiency (more than 99%).
- Nice design and appearance and compatibility.
- Block penetration of Electromagnetic field to the environment
- Thermal insulation for incoming and outgoing heat which transfer through walls.
- Corrosion-resistant
- Non-use of TVOC, HCHO, polyethylene material, and harmful resins which are used to produce popular wallpaper.
- Tested at the Amir Kabir University Electromagnetic Wave Research Center, Tehran University’s Antenna Room and South Korea’s Wave Compatibility Laboratory. with reported shielding efficiency more than 99%